Κυριακή 29 Απριλίου 2012


Every once in a while something bad happens.

Our previous experiences that caused us pain, the social conventions, and whatever we have been told by others about life, make us form the basic characterisics of what should be defined as ''bad''. Most people haven't really thought about it. They gave in to prejudice easily, and whenever they are faced with a misfortunate situation it baffles them.

To elaborate on that, it is understandable to react with anger, hostility, fear, guilt and depression towards certain things. Life, at times, doesn't seem fair. We lose our loved ones, our relationships wither away, our job sucks, our children don't want anything to do with us, our dreams seem distant and unreachable. Therefore, we react actively by suffering. We choose to blame our situation. That happens because, when bad things happen, it seems like we are not in control, and chaos upsets us. Suffering is our choice, and thus it is a way for our poor self to regain its control over what is happening.

Quoting Deepak Chopra:

-Hostility is remembered pain and the desire to get even.
-Fear is the anticipation of pain in the future.
-Guilt is self-directed pain when you blame yourself.
-Depression is the depletion of energy as a result of all the above.

People need empowerment, love, creativity. Creativity is translated into control by our subconcious mind, and we choose to feel pain. It is probable that we tried something that didn't work, and at that moment we felt afraid of failing again. We believed that our whole existence depends on our success or failure. Yet, existence is powerful and independent.

Sometime in the distant past, someone taught us that when something unfortunate happens, the appropriate reaction is to suffer about it. We should be grateful to those people. They protected us when we most needed it. Nevertheless, they introduced us to what I like to call: Scarcity Mentality. They taught us, maybe without even knowing it, that life is hostile and dangerous. That your personal beauty and power can be taken away by a simple misfortune, and that there is nothing we can do about it, except to reproduce the same results by acting in the same way.

A friend of mine helped me realise that all of these lead to one question that needs to be answered. Is life's purpose good, neutral or bad?

Is there any reason for life not to be trust-worthy? Bad things do happen, yet it is up to you to react to them. All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you are not good enough, or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you are the wrong height and the wrong weight to achieve anything. You will hear a thousand ''No's'' in your lifetime. Firm and desicive ''no's''. And we will tell them yes. You will obey. Why?

Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but how we react to what happens to us, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes, just like a negative attitude would. It is a catalyst that expresses our inner flame and produces extraordinary results.

When you disempower youself by thinking that life's purpose is unfair, you make an important mistake; you stop to create desirable outcomes. You feel fear of failing (as if failure was possible), and thus you never try.

It is possible that you tried more than once to achieve something but it never seems to work out. But did you trust life fully while trying? Were you certain that no matter what happens, you will experience and enjoy a marvelous result? Have you allowed life to astonish you, and therefore have you freed youself?

Freedom is our divine right. Happiness as well. When negative things happen, it is up to us to choose how we'll react to them. They can be opportunities for growth, advancement and learning, as well as causes of suffering and fear. All in all, we have to make choices between fear and love all the time.

It seems that misfortunes are, after all, of neutral nature. They provide the ground in which we learn to act calmly and positively in whatever may occur. Our inner nature is calm, serene and creative. Not being in tune with our nature can cause multiple problems, one of which is unhappiness. So, why do you choose to be unhappy, when all the beauty of the world is available to you if you try?

''We promise according to our hopes and perform according to our fears'', was said. And it is true. We are afraid, and thus we are unfaithful to our higher self. Performing according to our fears will produce scarce results. Meanwhile, performing accorning to our hopes, will bring rays of sunshine in our life. If you make promises to yourself and then you see them failing, it is possible that you will believe in your incapability and lack of means. Yet, such an attitude will only bring more things to be anxious about. Life is teaching us lessons through whatever may be happening, and these lessons will definately prove to be useful in the future, no matter how harsh they be seem at first. In other words, acting in accordance to what you want to be is vital. Becoming what you want to be, that is.

Everything you need is already with you. Everything you'll discover will only add to your already beautiful self. Problems help us grow, and provide us with valuable lessons. It is hard to experience serenity and kindness if you haven't known pain.

May the joy be with you.

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